
Three Questions to Ask About AC Repair or Replacement

HVAC technician

“I’ll take a look at it, honey.”nnThe first time you said that was back in March, when an unusually hot day drew lots of grievances and complaints from your family. You had turned on your air conditioning for the first time since the previous fall, but as the minutes and hours drug on, your home was not getting any cooler. Luckily, the weather cooled off and you forgot that you needed AC repairs. That is, until May rolled around.nnIt’s now July, and we are all stuck in the dead of summer, at the mercy of the hot, Colorado sun. At this point, the question isn’t whether you need AC repair — it’s what repairs do you need, and how much is it going to cost you? And of course, every homeowner’s worst case scenario — am I going to need to replace my entire unit?nnIn today’s post, we are going to go over some three questions you can ask yourself that will help you understand if you are more likely to need AC repairs, or a full AC replacement. These are soft guidelines based on industry knowledge, so keep in mind that only a highly-qualified HVAC professional can make concrete judgements and recommend the proper course of action for your home. If you need AC repair or replacement in Loveland and the surrounding areas, get in touch with the experts at 1st Action Plumbing Heating and Air to schedule a consultation.


How Old Is My Unit?

At their best, AC units will last around 10-15 years, but they will not continue to work at their full capacity without regular maintenance and repairs. As time goes on, your system will inevitably become less efficient and cause your energy bills to rise. If your AC unit is 10 years or older, don’t start sweating until you have talked to a professional, but don’t be surprised if you need a full replacement.

How Efficient Do I Want My Air Conditioning to Be?

As mentioned above, the more seasons under its belt, the less efficient your AC unit will be. Keeping up with regular maintenance and AC repairs can help prolong the life of your unit and keep you cool, but you will notice your energy bills rising, year-after-year. At a certain point, you owe it to yourself to consider the financial costs of continued AC repairs, vs installing a new system that will keep your repair costs down for the foreseeable future. Your AC unit is unique to your home, so the only way to weigh these options is to consult with an HVAC expert who can assess your situation and present you with your options. Contact 1st Action Plumbing Heating and Air to speak with an honest professional who will look out for your best interests.

How Comfortable Do I Want to Be?

We’ve all walked into a friend’s home and been blown away by how cool it is inside. “We just got our air conditioning replaced,” they say, with a priceless smile on their face. After that, you can’t help but feel that getting a new AC unit would be worth the money, even if it’s really expensive. However, you hold out hope that AC repairs could be all that you need to get your house that cool and comfortable. Although repairs will always help, it is important to keep in mind that, like any other piece of equipment, the technology in air conditioning units is constantly being improved, and brand-new AC units are always going to give you better results than old ones. That being said, if your system is less than 10 years old, the right AC repairs may be all that you need to comfortably relax in your home — just don’t put new wheels on a pinto and expect it to become a Cadillac.nnWhen people need AC repairs, it is common for them to worry about being “up-sold” into getting a full replacement. Truth be told, there are many contractors out there who will try to twist your arm into paying more money, whether you need it or not. Asking yourself how old your unit is, how efficiently you want it to run, and how cool and comfortable you want to be this summer, is a good place to start when contemplating AC repairs or replacement. However, the best thing you can do is contact 1st Action Plumbing Heating and Air in Loveland, to speak with an honest technician who is dedicated to serving their community. 1st Action is a local, family-owned, HVAC company that has been providing Loveland and the front range with reliable and affordable AC repairs and replacements for decades — contact them today to schedule a consultation!